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Cairns Marine Precinct Given Go Ahead

The Cairns Marine Project has been given the green light to proceed. The $30 million investment will add significant infrastructure to Cairns and the Far North and will look to capitalise on emerging defence and other marine industry in the area. The growth of this sector is seen as a key aim for the diversification of the area.

The investment by the Queensland Government will see new infrastructure including an additional two wharves in Cairns which will greatly enhance the capacity to carry out in-water maintenance on vessels used by the Australian Defence and Border Forces.

The initial funding also supported a business case which identified how to build off this initial investment, with an additional $150 million now committed to the CMP as a result of this case. These additional funds will be used for significant investment in the CMP through a new marine MRO facility which is seen as key to securing future defence and maritime contracts. A 5,000 tonne ship-lift, three hardstand areas as well as two facilities for blasting and painting vessels are just some of the future works planned.


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