TM52 Thermal Comfort Analysis
With the risk of overheating becoming an ever prevalent issue within the built world it is becoming more and more important to be able to manage and control a buildings indoor climate.
Overheating through poor design, poor management or inadequate and incorrect services are the some of the main reasons for a buildings overheating issues.
Designs that are focused on providing a building with lower winter heating demand are particularly at risk as key design features such as south facing windows, highly insulated areas and areas of low air permeability can all result in excessive internal overheating during summer months.
As a result BTP are happy to provide TM52. Developed by CIBSE this adaptive methodology, carried out at the Detailed Design stage is able to predict the level of thermal comfort within a building by way of a Dynamic Simulation Model.
TM52 sets three criteria for compliance, any building which fails two or more of the criteria is deemed to be at risk of overheating.
Criterion 1 - Hours of Exceedance
Criterion 2 - Daily Weighted Exceedance
Criterion 3 - Upper Limit Temperature